Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Error! Error! Myki Invat--- Invatio---- Infashon!!!!!

Yes, a welcome back is in order, I have been busy and in deep thought about many things, questioning everything and I mean everything, not just the things I don't understand and don't like.

Everything old is.... Altered again.

In this time period I have caught the bus..... MANY times and beforehand, I caught the bus..... MANY times and how has Myki been "faring" (pun intended) against the old "primitive", "show me rock." "You go on now" and the Flintstones "lift and run". No, it wasn't that bad at all, but they made it seem like it. That is the trick, to make something new you must make something old and dated.

Enter Myki!!!

So now I have a card and a bunch of men in suits informing me that it is a better system. But it isn't, it's filled with errors and problems just as any other computer program/technology is. These problems include Cards not registering, computer freezing, driving not being able to do ANYTHING (people get free rides.... Always after I have to pay), money not being able to be added, people getting charged for not "Pressing off", because they can't... The system is down, frozen or just plain old fashion "broke".


The biggest thing. Is. It. Faster?


IF there were no errors and if everyone had the proper card and could "press on" while walking past, it would be faster, but the fact is, it is not like that at all. First, a lot of the people don't have the proper plastic card, they buy the "2 hour" card, so we all line up like the primitive people in the past that were meant to be wipe out. Second, the biggest problem. The errors and having to explain what is going on to EACH person at EACH bus stop and if they have questions? Oh boy, THAT slows everything down, but even if everything is working fine, people get on, pause, "press on" the card, look at the screen and leave, same as, stop, give the drive the money and take the ticket. Except with old people are various other groups, putting card to wall isn't as easy as it may seem.

"The Best Of All Possible Worlds."

*Opposite day* (The WORST Of All Possible Worlds)

Each of these individual problems often double and even triple-up leading to an extremely slow and LATE buses. Problem 2 & 3 always go together, every morning, every night and at least twice a month problem 1 gets in on the act.

Is this better? Is this a step forward? Is it better to be a cave man or the modern man? (Sickness, life span of 25 years, not AS smart, and no.... Anything really, but aside from that......) Okay forget it. Is it better to catch the bus a year ago or to catch the bus now? More importantly....


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